Our Team
 bonnie@bcautism.ca 604-338-0595
Bonnie Daudlin - Director - M.A., Behavioural Consultant Category A, Registered Autism Service Providers
Bonnie practiced as a registered speech-language pathologist in diverse settings for over thirty years.
Work settings have included the Williams Lake Child Development Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital's feeding team and early intervention team and BC Centre for Ability's early intervention team and hearing impairment team. Bonnie enjoyed supporting graduate students in her role of clinical instructor at the University of British Columbia's Faculty of Medicine, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences.
Bonnie has a passion for understanding how young children with ASD communicate their needs and wants in the world. She has experience and understanding of why children with ASD are picky eaters and how to support them at family mealtime. Bonnie also has a passion for understanding attachment theory and how children with autism attach to their families and with others in the community. Bonnie has studied with The Neufeld Institute, completed the Early Start Denver Model courses and continues ongoing self-study in how Neurodiverse children require support in daily interactions with those around them. Bonnie is well acquainted with The Jasper Model for Children with Autism, promoting Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement and Regulation. (Connie Kasari, Amanda C. Gulsrud, Stephanie Y. Shire and Christina Strawbridge).
In September 2013, Bonnie began work as a Behaviour Consultant with Reference and Regulate For Autism. The experience supported her passion in the work and she is thankful to each family who has welcomed her into their home. She is continually humbled by each experience.
In her spare time, Bonnie enjoys spending time with family and friends, walking on the beach, listening to music and reading.
 rim@bcautism.ca 778-865-7416
Rim Powar - Director - B.A. Psychology, Senior Behaviour Intervention
Rim completed an undergraduate degree in psychology. She has many years of experience providing intervention to children diagnosed with Autism.
She is very familiar with the Reference and Regulate program, based on Experts in Autism research including, "Joint Attention" research by Dr. Simon-Baron Cohen, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge and Dr. Connie Kasari, Professor of Pscyhiatry at UCLA's "Targetted Treatment on Joint Attention, Symbolic Play and Engagement and Regulation for Children with Autism" (JASPER).
Rim is dedicated to seeing each child's importance within their individual family unit and ensure that the type of intervention provided supports positive, attachment-based intervention through play-based therapy. She has had many opportunities to acquire skills in working with multidisciplinary teams, which has further increased her passion for working with children. She supports and values the team and has developed strong emotional connections with the families.
In her spare time Rim enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking, and listening to music.
Heartfelt Austim Services - Bonnie Daudlin Ltd. - bcautism.ca